Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Understanding Personality Disorders Essay - 2164 Words
Description The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013) defines personality disorders as a pattern of internal experience and behavior that greatly differs from what is normally expected in the person’s culture. They are also considered omnipresent and inflexible that is stable and causes both distress and impairment. Antisocial personality disorder is a severe disorder of personality. It is a disorder that helps compromise the dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders, also known as the Cluster B disorders. The Cluster B disorders are also composed of borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder. The†¦show more content†¦From information contained in the patient’s social services, medical, and legal records, the clinician is able to piece together Mr. Y’s history. Mr. Y’s mother was a prostitute and a drug addict, and he never knew his father. He had a history of very serious conduct problems from a young age. He began getting into fights with other children almost from the day he began school and was caught torturing animals on a number of occasions when he was in elementary school. When he was 9 years old, Mr. Y threw his baby brother out of the window of their first floor apartment, causing multiple fractures. During his childhood, Mr. Y spent several years in a group home and stayed many in many foster homes, but these placements were never successful. He would occasionally stay with his maternal grandmother, who was taking care of up to eight other grandchildren at the same time. Mr. Y began using drugs at age 10. In early adolescence, Mr. Y joined a gang where he became involved in selling drugs and running numbers. He fathered his first child at the age of 13. Before he was 17, he was arrested on a variety of charges tha t included theft, possession of illegal drugs, and assault, but, because of his age, he received a series of suspended sentences. He was constantly truant from school and dropped out permanently at age 15. At the time, he began living on the street with other friends from his gang whoShow MoreRelatedNarcissistic Personality Disorder : Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment1178 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: UNDERSTANDING NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER ETIOLOGY Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Griffin Hedger College Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder To those who have a narcissistic personality disorder, they may come across as arrogant,Read MoreBorderline Personality Disorder - Understanding It, History, Treatment, Closing - Includes Outline and Bibliography2680 Words  | 11 PagesOUTLINE I.Understanding Borderline Personality A.Common Stereotypes B.Characteristics Symptoms 1.Fear of Abandonment 2.Impulsivity Self-Damaging Behavior 3.Difficulty Controlling Anger 4.Brief Psychotic Episodes C.Prevalence in Society 1.Celebrity Film Example II.History of Classification A.Personality Organization B.Atypical Form of Other Personality Disorders C.Independent Disorder III.Causal Contributory Factors A.Psychoanalytic 1.Object-Relations Theory 2.DevelopmentalRead MoreThe Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder1266 Words  | 6 Pagesapproaches in an effort to comprehend personality. 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One major characteristic is impulsivity, which is characterized by rapid responding to environmental triggers without thinking (or caring) about long term consequences (Paris, 2007). Some people may engage in self-injurious activities including attempting and completing suicide. People with borderline personality disorder have
Monday, December 16, 2019
Aspects of Meaning Free Essays
Jubayr zakariyya Aspects of meaning assignment 1 The experiment that has been conducted, and written about in the paper ‘The representation of polysemous words’, by Devorah Klein and Gregory Murphy, endeavours to uncover the degrees to which different senses of polysemous words use the same or diverse kind of representations. Whilst homonyms from a linguistic perspective, are groups of words that share the same orthographical and phonological characteristics, yet do not share the same semantic meaning. There are a number of theoretical perspectives pertaining to the root cause of how two separate word meanings are able to converge on the same phonological representation, or how a single word is able to separate into diverse and separate semantic meanings. We will write a custom essay sample on Aspects of Meaning or any similar topic only for you Order Now But the term ‘polysemy’ refers to something that is intrinsically more complex, and as Klein and Murphy have noted in their paper, more problematical in terms of defining its root source and in which ways are the senses related and represented. What Klein and Murphy mean by this, and have studied in this paper, is the process in which words semantically relate to one another, through a process of extension. Yet unlike homonyms, polysemous words do not have lexically separate meanings, which leads to the questions of whether polysemous words have a single represented sense that can be accounted for every use of a word, how can they be linked in memory, and how are they co-ordinated in processing. Klein and Murphy aim to ‘provide data that will constrain accounts of the representation and processing of polysemy'(Klein and Murphy (2001)). The first experiment that was conducted entailed the use of memory performance in order to measure the representation of polysemous senses. it was particularly looking at whether people were more familiar with a same sense or a different sense than the original presentation given. the results showed that same phrase items were the most precisely evaluated, which was followed by the consistent sense phrases. The inconsistent sense phrases were the most error prone. Klein and Murphy also suggest that words being seen in identical context was the most helpful in getting a correct evaluation. The results here point out that the way in which a polysemous word is processed initially affects later memory access. After conducting a number of detailed experiments, Klein and Murphy conclude that polysemous senses are semantically related, yet they are not extremely similar, which consequently results in ‘same-sense facilitation’ and ‘cross sense inhibition’ (Klein and Murphy (2001)). If a polysemous word does not contain a core meaning, it is no longer a substantial semantic component thatis common to all senses in a given word. word count: 429 How to cite Aspects of Meaning, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Reflective journal counselling free essay sample
In this reflective journal I’m willing to write my observation summarized from the lecture, class room, and the text book in last three weeks to identify briefly what is counselling, counselling skill and practices that we did in tutorial. What I understood about counselling is a service to help people with certain problem by making mutual relationship, addressing their issues in supportive environment so that a better understanding can be achieved. While it is necessary for counsellors observe the client and find out what is the main problem and pain they having, what is the key issue making them unhappy or stressed. It is not a theory that I can express only in few sentences. It includes wide range of study, practice and experience how to become a successful counsellor. People in their life happen to be a counsellor either professional or non-professional way, when it comes to a relationship, for example, between mother and child, student and teacher, nurse and patient. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective journal counselling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Especially in my life experience woman tend to release their stress by talking with their friends with or without asking advice. I would like to outline how I used one of counselling skill open question at role play by listening to my partner efficiently. She started with one sentence that â€Å"I had horrible day at work†which tingled my curiosity to know more. After a several question, found out that she was not happy with her boss because he said that she is not good enough with reading the face of an upset client. She is a therapy masseur. During our conversation I felt little nervous because I was unsure if it is too many questions for her, whether the question is too personal or inappropriate, what is the limit of it, is my posture proper, do I making myself clear? But compare to first tutorial class which we did active listening practice, this time I felt much comfortable having conversation with her. It was not our first role play with her, so that made me bit relaxed. When we skipped our role I noticed myself talked too much without leaving her some questions to ask. I felt not good about it, on the other hand it might be helpful for the counsellor to determine the situations. Believe it or not, first, role play as a counsellor and patient sounded really easy, but I realized that is a challenging and lot more to learn and practice.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Proforma statement introduction Essay Example
Proforma statement introduction Essay The Southern Airlines performance index is descriptive of the well being of the company. The company since fiscal year 2003-204 has undergone tremendous growth. The growth and operating profitability rate up to fiscal year 2006-2007 is at 10.28% which is indicative of increased productivity and growth of assets. The company’s asset capacity gain on the fiscal year 2006-2007 is 3.7% up from the 2.7% in the fiscal 2003-2004. This means a growth rate of 1% on assets value returns.Southern Air Lines 2006-2007Income statement1st quarter of fiscal year 2006-2007Net sales                         $790,000,000Cost of sales                   $9086mTaxable income              $9086Tax                                  $291,000,000Net income                      $499,000,000Economic implications and market overviewDue to radical market changes and regulatory aspects the company had to undergo radical surgery in terms of restructuring operations and services provision policies. Due to pressure in the airline sector which was convectional and greatly weighing on the market Southern Airlines initially had some setbacks and lost its asset value marginally between 2005 and 2006. However there were gains in sales and the market share seemed to grow rapidly in favor of the company. According to the company reports 2001 was a disappointment. There were numerous losses and loss of asset value. There was a decline on customer influx and the profits dwindled drastically. 911 was another major setback and the issue of regulation and market share made considerable effects on the company’s performance. However, over the years, the co mpany has increased pace in development of services, fiscal capability and its market share policies. This has resulted to gains which have projected the versatility of the company as a lucrative investment and a very competent airline. US stocks market performance, the Iraqi issue and the oil prices have considerably affected the company both positively and negatively. The company has seen its value decline over these factors but through the same up its strategic corporate development policies and strategies to foster financial and investment growth. The same has applied double standards on gain on asset value and produced a very lucrative faà §ade that has helped the recapture of investor and customer confidence on the airline. Profitability and management has become elemental in creation of competent services and there has been increase in assets as well. The well being of the company looks very promising and this is enough evidence of the value of the company and its diversifie d investment outlook. This is a company which both the community and the investors can bank on.Working Capital StrategiesImplementation of capital saving measures is essential to avert financial storms. The commonplace technocrat’s action of putting too much effort on a loss making strategy or venture, the overall out come is putting of extra funds to manage and try to force performance in this non-performing venture. Rather than making any gains then the venture eats into the capital resulting to losses, instead of such an expensive corporate mistake, the venture’s expenses should be cut and the funds being channeled on the venture should be cut off.Capital should be induced into performing projects. It should be incorporated minimally so as to have savings. This sounds hackneyed but it’s more strategic in poising the company to counter fiscal lackluster in future. The capital should only purchase viable assets and finance viable business moves. There should be no money pets in the capital division. Choices of expenditure on important measures and plans, there should be investment projections which will bring dividends rather than expense which will decrease gain potential in set fiscal periods. Capital management should be expeditiously structured. Each segment of proposed strategy has its implication on the economy of the company. This means it is not possible to ignore projects which are deemed productive but to allocate fiscal capital strategically.This means having a set time frame of ejecting more fiscal on the project and when to pull out from financing the same. Company policy on banking on projects already making money for the company should be implemented to cut cost on use of company capital so as to have reserves. Generally, there will be increase in savings and less budget allocations on financing company ventures. Capital ejection should be streamlined to minimal percentages’ on performing projects and the gains from the latter should be evaluated to level with the expense so as to reduce capital ejection. Looking at the debt based structure; the company is fit to perform on cash basis rather than borrowing to project its focused programs’Capital Structure StrategiesA budget on company expense and venture financing is the basis of streamlined expense and capital flow regulation. The company budget should project even the least expected eventualities, impeding fiscal storms. Regulation of eventualities becomes elemental in keeping the structured capital projections at the exact level.Gauging capital performance and gain deferred will also regulate expense against gain. The percentage capital use should have convectional effect on gain on the same considerable rates. The budget should adhere to market demographics, assessment, research and marketability issues and assist only in pulling the company Achilles feet up the ladder. This attributes to a larger part of the company liabilities whic h form the Achilles feet. Besides proper expenditure, a capital expense time frame will have implications on the percentage profit at the end of the fiscal year, besides regulating losses accrued due to un-propagated expense. As such a very efficient structure to use the company capital is more or so the regulatory aspect of the company loss risk.Capital Investment StrategiesMost businesses tend to favor financing only the functional area of the company and subsequently using the capital to improve the asset capacity. The investment stratagem offers comprehensive accreditation of valuable investments rather than business incentives. This means that the company uses investing the capital as the economic driver and a risk reduction measure instead of spending. Buying company stake, bonds and other investments is one essential strategy. But that is not seen as an aggressive investment strategy to some companies. As such, adoption of other strategies that facilitate buy outs increase po tential profit gain and ups investment level. New products within the airlines scope can become very lucrative investments. This is achievable through market research and survey to understand customer needs and the market situation analysis that would put in place provisional techniques and project needs that can be converted in to profits or long term investments. The company can strategize on capitalizing on advanced transport and luxury jets. These will make its competitiveness in the market to be higher and become insulation against losses and market share loss as well. Capital can also be invested on customer service. Service provision will mean spending more on new staff, equipment and hospitality related projections.Dividend PolicyThe golden rule often ignored is that ‘its not only selling is business, but giving back is business too’ Good dividend rates offer incentives to possible investor. The ideology of making a formidable gain from the company through a sto ck is a valuable incentive as per the investor. But this depends on the amount and regularity of the dividend.The policy at the company on the dividend should remain based on the rule. There is more public trust on companies that respect the community and give back to the community than aggressive corporations which barely concentrate on such issues but are abrasive and only after profits and expansion.There have been a lot of investor interests on companies whose public image is more of a household issue than the cut-throat fiscal objetived corporations. Investors view this type of a company as already insured by the confidence reposed on it by the community rather than the profit making entity that is depicted by the latter. Insurance will express the vital element of securities held by investors in the company in terms of shares, with pockets of big investors and thousands of home based, mommy and daddy investors the insurance is in place since the majority of these are the same customers at the air line.Risk Mitigation StrategiesCustomer response to the company strategy and service provision is the onset of risk evaluation. Obviously no one can play down the possibility of a hard fiscal storm in case of an impeding one becoming real. The implications tend to derail, destroy capital structure and collapse the company. To demystify this, it is the responsibility of the company to assess the market through forecasting, market survey, and research on insulation against bad financial weather. However this is less expounded as required for comprehensive expression of risk mitigation. It entails the departmental analysis of its functions and the possible loopholes that cause distress.Demographic factors, market conditions, shift of industry policy, regulation, product diversity and the political weather stands in the way of a consistent economic health of the company. Measures to insulate the company against all these impeding storms is through investing, adaptin g the systems in the company to the insulators condition, standards and requirement specifications. Also there should more out put in terms of projection of company policy, structure and corporate value to the public so as to induce the shift of value and service policy towards the company. With such a broad based insight on reducing risk, there should be a profound expose within the company that draws out these risks and the consistent strategy to out, curb or cope with them, either of the measures will be able to poise the company against problems deemed impeding.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Costco and Sams Club Essays
Costco and Sams Club Essays Costco and Sams Club Paper Costco and Sams Club Paper Costco and Sams Club are stores that sell innumerable products, so having effective websites is imperative. Comparing the two websites using these three 1-5 point scales shows that Costcos website is better. The first area of evaluation is the organization and ease of navigation. Each website earns points depending on how intuitive their website layout is, how easy it is to find items, how they categorize items, and how quick navigation is. Next is clarity of item descriptions. They earn more points on the amount of information given and lose points for making the information difficult to read. Finally, the websites earn points for effective product and store promotion. They earn higher scores for more convincing and well-made advertisements, and lower scores for poor advertisements. The first criterion looks at the homepage to see how readable it is. Sams Clubs website has a small bar at the top for account information, order status, wish lists, and insider email; however, the font is small and light grey, and the background is white. Costcos also has the same buttons, but also includes an additional store locations button and an order by item number button. The medium sized font is dark grey rather than light grey and the background is white, so it is very readable. Both websites have bars for item categories near the top of their homepages, but Costcos is in large black font, compared to Sams Clubs small baby blue font. Costco and Sams Club have a hierarchy that allows looking at product categories, but Costcos is more useful. For the same HP Inkjet 8500a found by using Costcos search bar in the top left of their homepage and Sams Clubs in the middle of their home page, Costcos hierarchy is computers printers all-in-ones Color inkjet all-in-one. Sams Clubs is Sams Club Electronics Instant Savings Computers Accessories. Costco scored a 3. 5 and Sams Club a 2. Criterion number two is clarity and completeness of information. The aforementioned search bar can find the Canon Rebel T2i package on both websites by searching for it. Full details are available on the manufacturers website, so it is a good candidate to compare completeness of information. Sams Club has a detailed specification chart for the Cannon Rebel T2i, mentioning that the T2i has a viewfinder coverage of 95%, and that the package comes specifically with an AVC-DC400ST AV cable rather than an AV cable as per Costcos website. The charts also have specific model numbers for the charger (LC-E8E), battery pack (LP-E8), and strap (EW-100DBIII). The product page at Costco has a product description that contains a narrative on the potential uses of the cameras abilities such as shooting in dim environments by using ISO 6400 or using the cameras 9-point AF system for precision focus. Costco has a list of features and basic technical specifications for the camera above and an accessories list below the main description. The information Costco provides is succinct and may be better suited for average consumers, but Sams Club clearly has more detail, however, those may be superfluous to many customers. Costco scores a 3 and Sams Club a 4 for this area. The last category is advertisements. Costco and Sams Club both have good advertisements at the top of their respective homepages that cycle through several different advertisements, all of which are appropriate. Costco has an advertisement for a Costco membership, which is important because they must get customers to buy a membership first so they can buy products. Scrolling down, they both have nearly identical advertisements for specific products. Those advertisements have a small thumbnail picture, a name, and price. Sams Club has a small advertisement bar at the top on product pages and a sidebar with popular items that are similar. Costco also has a sidebar with similar popular items, but also bundles related products together on the same page, such as software and tech support with a computer. Costco beats Sams Club with a 4 compared to a 3. 5 in this category because putting complimentary items together is a strong strategy. After comparing, Costco is more organized because the categories that they sorted their products with are smarter and more helpful than what Sams Clubs website uses. Sams Clubs website uses a font that is too small, and often times their font color is nearly the same as their background color. Sams Club has more detailed product descriptions, but a lot of them are not actually useful to the general consumer. On the other hand, consumers can easily skip over that information. Costco does not provide as much information as Sams Club, but the information they do provide is relevant. Both websites have very similar marketing schemes, but Costco advertises associated products in their product descriptions, which is a good advertising technique. Costco is the winner with a total rating of 10. 5/15, and Sams Club only a 9. 5/15.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Listicle - Definition and Examples of Listicles
Listicle s of Listicles Listicle is an informal term for an article made up of a series of facts, tips, quotations, or examples organized around a particular theme. Listicles, which may be numbered or bulleted, are particularly common in blogs and other online articles. Listicle is a blend (or portmanteau) of the words list and article. Examples and Observations on Listicles Something had happened to my brain during my long tenure at womens magazines. I wasnt sure if it was because my mind moved a million clicks faster than my mouth could keep up, or if I had edited one ​listicle, charticle, gridicle and relationship quiz too many. But I had developed a bizarre inability to speak before higher-ups without stuttering, which the creative director eulogized in a drawing of me with a stream of Er, ah, duh, durs coming out of my mouth.(Jessie Knadler, Rurally Screwed: My Life Off the Grid With the Cowboy I Love. Berkley Books, 2012)[H]is digressive narrativewhich sometimes makes use of self-amused listiclesseems suspiciously influenced by styles that are popular on the digital platforms he inveighs against.(Review in The New Yorker [January 21, 2013] of The Missing Link by Philip Hensher)When Beyoncà ©s publicist emailed Buzzfeed earlier this week to ask that they kindly remove some unflattering photos of her client that were included in a listicle of The 33 Fiercest Moments From Beyoncà ©s Halftime Show, little did she know that the Internet doesnt quite work that way.In fact, thats the exact opposite of the way in which the Internet works.Now, thanks to an unforgiving Internet phenomenon known as the Streisand Effect, those photos are not only everywheretheyve become a full-fledged meme.(Neetzan Zimmerman, Beyoncà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Publicist Asks Internet to Remove Unflattering Beyoncà © Photos; Internet Turns Unflattering Beyoncà © Photos Into a Meme. Gawker, February 7, 2013) Writing for Readers With Short Attention Spans Editors at many newspapers and magazines welcome list articles because these features can be expanded or reduced as space allows. More important, list articles make great cover lines that motivate readers to buy magazines. When we put lists on the cover, our newsstand sales go up, said Mens Health editor David Zinczenko in a televised interview about the power of lists. In his blog, Zinczenko offers lists that inform readers on timely topics: the six worst foods to eat at the movies, the eight ultimate flat-belly summer foods and the six things your dad wants for fathers day. Lists are perfect for guys with short attention spans, jokes Zinczenko....List articles usually follow a two-part formula. First, you need an introductory paragraph that sets up the article by explaining the purpose of the list. Since these articles are straightforward, the introduction should be brief and to the point. Second the list is presented in either a bulleted or a numbered format. . . .Although list ar ticles seem simple to write, most of them require research.(David E. Sumner and Holly G. Miller, Feature and Magazine Writing: Action, Angle and Anecdotes, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2009) The Appeal of the Listicle The listor, more specifically, the listicleextends a promise of the definitive while necessarily revealing that no such promise could ever be fulfilled. It arises out of a desire to impose order on a life, a culture, a society, a difficult matter, a vast and teeming panorama of cat adorability and nineties nostalgia. . . .The rise of the listicle obviously connects with the Internet’s much-discussed effect on our ability (or desire) to sit still and concentrate on one thing for longer than ninety seconds. Contemporary media culture prioritizes the smart take, the sound bite, the takeawayand the list is the takeaway in its most convenient form. But even when the list, or the listicle, has nothing really to do with useful information, it still exerts an occult force on our attention- or on my attention, at any rate. (34 Things That Will Make ’90s Girls Feel Old. 19 Facts Only a Greek in the U.K. Can Understand. 21 Kinds of Offal, Ranked By How Gross They Look.) Like many of you, I am more inclined to click on links to articles that don’t reflect my interests if they happen to be in the form of countdowns. And I suspect my sheep-like behavior has something to do with the passive construction of that last sentence. The list is an oddly submissive reading experience. You are, initially, sucked in by the promise of a neatly quantified serving of information or diversion. . . . Once you’ve begun reading, a strange magnetism of the pointless asserts itself.(Marc OConnell, 10 Paragraphs About Lists You Need in Your Life Right Now. The New Yorker, August 29, 2013) Despite the growing derision of listicles . . ., numbered listsa venerable media formathave become one of the most ubiquitous ways to package content on the Web. Why do we find them so appealing?The article-as-numbered-list has several features that make it inherently captivating: the headline catches our eye in a stream of content; it positions its subject within a preà «xisting category and classification system, like talented animals; it spatially organizes the information; and it promises a story that’s finite, whose length has been quantified upfront. Together, these create an easy reading experience, in which the mental heavy lifting of conceptualization, categorization, and analysis is completed well in advance of actual consumptiona bit like sipping green juice instead of munching on a bundle of kale. And there’s little that our brains crave more than effortlessly acquired data. . . .But the list’s deepest appeal, and the source of its staying power, goe s beyond the fact that it feels good. . . . Within the context of a Web page or Facebook stream, with their many choices, a list is the easy pick, in part because it promises a definite ending: we think we know what we’re in for, and the certainty is both alluring and reassuring. The more we know about somethingincluding precisely how much time it will consumethe greater the chance we will commit to it.(Maria Konnikova, A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists. The New Yorker, December 2, 2013)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hunting and Fishing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hunting and Fishing - Essay Example Although fundamental for man’s survival, Culture is equally fragile as it keeps changing hence across generations, certain cultural aspects have been lost in all societies. Perhaps there are no other groups of people that have rich and much told culture like the Native Indian-Americans. They possess a great history of struggle and success and many of today’s life practices of the Americans like; teepee, peace pipe and moccasins, are borrowed from the Indian-Americans2. As noted above, Food is a fundamental aspect of every culture, hence a comprehensive study into the Indian American food related practices gives sufficient information of their cultural background. The research paper will therefore focus on one aspect of culture, hunting and fishing as a source of food and the role the two practices played within the indigenous culture of the Indian-Americans. ... Boys had to learn the hunting and fishing skills early in life. A story is told of a boy 8 years of age who in his first hunt he killed a goose, took it to his father who showed it to the whole community and at 10 years of age he killed his first Buffalo and the whole community rejoiced with the family, to Indians, successes in hunting were happiness to the whole family and community at large4. The hunting tribes’ important wild animal for hunt was the Buffalo which they hunted in twice yearly; during winter and summer. During the hunting periods, particular communities the whole village could go for hunting for fear of attack from hostile tribes, carrying all they needed for the journey in ponies putting women in charge while the rest of the luggage was buried and dug up upon return. They made camps at night and in the morning again break the camp and continue with the journey. They moved in single way and young boys kept watching for the Buffalo herds which they approached w ith great care done under the leader when spotted at a distance.5 The disparities and unity brought by hunting and fishing There were a number of ways that Native Americans obtained food key among them of which included, farming and domesticating animals, hunting, fishing in lakes and rivers and gathering wild fruits6. Majority of Native American tribes took part in fishing and hunting, the Eskimos who live far North depended on fish and hunted animals to survive, the Blackfoot & Sioux were the big game hunters who were on frequent migration to follow bison and the Chippewa who also took part in hunting to obtain food. Tlingit and Salish obtained their food from fishing in rivers and lakes.7In these earlier times there were no conventional equipments or tools,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Statistical Applications in Criminal Justice Course Project Essay
Statistical Applications in Criminal Justice Course Project - Essay Example On the other hand, the standard deviations shows that the scoring on robbery is more dispersed than rape/sexual assault (Howell, 2008). In order to test the relationship between rape and violence, linear regression analysis will be used. This test will be used to establish if there exists any statistical relationship between the two variables, and if it exists, the strength of the model (Lee, 2006). This test is chosen because it is suitable in testing linear relationship between two or more variables. Regression models are also suitable in predicting the value of the dependent valuable using the predictor valuable; therefore, the scoring of robbery can be established in different scoring of rape. The results of the tests are as shown in the spss output below: Based on the results above, it is evident that there is a strong and positive relationship between rape and robbery. The R squired of 0.89 shows that the model rape/sexual assault is a very good predictor of robbery. In other words, the regression model is very good. The p-value is less than 0.05, which means that there is enough evidence to allege that rape/sexual is a predictor of robbery. Since the coefficients are positive, we conclude that the two variables have a positive relationship, which also means that an increase in rape/sex would lead to an increase in robbery (Heiman, 2010). The results from this analysis show that the rate at which rape happens has some implication on the rate at which robbery happens. Therefore, the incidence of rape can be used to predict the incidence of robbery at any given
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Childhood Obesity In America Essay Example for Free
Childhood Obesity In America Essay More and more American children are becoming overweight or obese. Years ago an elementary classroom may have one kid who was overweight but today that has drastically changed. We have a whole new generation of kids who are consuming much more â€Å"junk food†and eating fast food 3 or 4 nights a week and they are not as active as kids used to be. These kids are consuming things like Monster energy drinks, Starbucks coffee, Mountain Dew, chips, candy bars and more on a daily basis. Many of them are coach potatoes, video gamers, social networkers, texters, etc. We need to get this new generation of children to become more active. They also need to be educated on how to be aware of what they are eating and teach them to eat the so called â€Å"junk food†in moderation and incorporate more nutritious foods in his or her diet as well as maintain an active lifestyle. Childhood obesity is on the rise due to the many changes in our society and we need to do something to prevent it before it gets out of hand. Keywords: obesity, children, overweight Childhood Obesity in America Childhood obesity is becoming a problem across the globe and has been declared an epidemic in America. Children are consuming more calories than ever and many are not as active as earlier generations. For the first time in the history of this country, young people are less healthy and less prepared to take their places in society than were their parents. Diabetes is on the rise, American kids are getting sicker, becoming sadder and getting fatter. (W. Sears, M.D., M. Sears, R.N., J. Sears, M.D., R. Sears, M.D., 2006) Many of you probably remember running around the neighborhood when you were younger playing things like tag, hide and seek, capture the flag and many other outdoor games. Then you would get called in to eat, only to go right back out to play until it was time to come in for the night. Now days you are more likely to find children indoors in front of the television, on the computer, texting a friend or playing a video game, not to mention they may be eating an unhealthy snack, such as a cookie or a bag of chips. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12.5 million children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese. Obesity is a good indicator of unhealthy lifestyles, characterized by over-eating and lack of physical activity. Who is responsible for this you might ask. Is it the parents, the schools, fast food restaurants, technology, a down economy or even the food industry? We cannot single out and put the blame on any one of these. However, each one can be a contributing factor and the combination of them certainly could be part of the cause. Let’s take a look at how each of them impacts our children’s health. Let’s start with the parents. As I stated earlier, years ago children were outside playing much of the day. However, now parents are not letting the children out to play until they are much older because they worry about their safety. Part of the reason for this is that the world has changed. Ever hear the phrase â€Å"It takes a village†? Well years ago neighbors looked out for each other and their children. Now everyone minds their own business and keeps to him or herself. Even the cars going through the residential neighborhoods do not seem to be as cautious about watching for children. Maybe this has to do with the fact that children are not as often outside playing as they used to be. Families seem to be so much busier today than in the past. Most families are living on two incomes instead of one, which means there is not a stay at home parent making home cooked meals everyday. Not to mention families are having less and less meals together at the table. Instead parents are tired and are relying on quicker meals like frozen pizza’s, banquet chicken, corndogs, fries, hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, microwaveable meals, and even fast food. Many families are a single parent household and may be on a tight budget and may be purchasing the cheaper convenience foods that are typically less nutritious and have more additives and preservatives. Parents are not intentionally trying to make their children fat and/or sick. Most are trying to do the best they can and don’t realize the long-term effects of all the processed foods, especially combined with a less active lifestyle. What about the school’s role in all this? Kids spend a big part of their day at school and some eat breakfast and lunch at school. As a Licensed Family Child Care Provider, each year I have to take nutrition training through the USDA food program. After taking it one year and learning about high fat foods that are commonly served to children, I was looking at my son’s monthly lunch menu for the elementary school and noticed they were serving too many of these high fat foods in one week at lunch. In the same week the kids would be served chicken nuggets, pizza, and a breaded chicken sandwich. These foods are not bad if eaten on occasion and in moderation. However, what I learned in the nutrition training was that we should limit the amount of high fat foods served in one week. My daughter, who attends the high school, told me that everyday if the students don’t like the main option for lunch they could go and get a hamburger or hotdog with french fries as an alternative choice. Middle schools, junior highs, and high schools often have an a la carte line or snack bar at lunch, which consists of ice cream, cookies, juice, and other foods that are not very nutritious for a lunch. Some schools even have soda machines and snack machines. There have even been some schools that are cutting their physical education and sports programs. Technology plays a big role in the children not being as active as they used to be. There are no longer just Saturday morning cartoons. Now with channels like the Disney Channel and Cartoon Network kids can watch cartoons twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Today our children spend many hours on media devices, such as cell phones, Ipads, Kindles, and hand held video games as well as the television, computer, or other game systems such as Xbox. Many kids today would rather be inside on the computer or playing video games than out with a friend or being active. This morning I was at the doctor’s office to have my cholesterol checked. In the waiting room at my clinic they now have a TV up on the wall that is always playing something educational about staying healthy. Today as I was watching it they were talking about how people who sit more than three hours at a time shave time off of their life. They said after three hours of sitting you should get up and move around for a while before sitting back down. According to this program we have enzymes in our body that help break down fat. However, when we are sedentary or sitting these enzymes are not able to break down the fat in our body. If that is true than these children who are spending hours on the computer, watching TV or playing video games are not burning as much fat as they could be if they took a break every now and then and got up and moved around for a bit before sitting back down. Another contributing factor to childhood obesity is the food industry. Why the food industry? I’ll tell you why. The food industry is packing more and more preservatives, dyes, fat, sodium, sugar and other stuff into our food to make it last longer and taste better, but what are these added ingredients doing to our children? They are literally turning our children into sugar and carb addicts. Products such as chips, cookies, candy and other junk food are being targeted towards our children. Watch a cartoon with your child sometime and pay attention to how many of these commercials you will see. You will be amazed. Something many of you might not think of is the down economy as another contributing factor. Many families are struggling and have had to make plenty of cutbacks on their spending. Yes, that sometimes includes cutbacks on food. It can get expensive feeding a family of four for a week. It is actually cheaper sometimes to buy processed foods and junk food than it is to buy natural and healthy foods. For example, it is much cheaper to buy a box of Little Debbie snacks than it is to buy a small bag of apples or carrots. During my own families rough financial times we discovered that feeding a family of four from McDonald’s $1 menu was not only more convenient but cheaper than cooking many meals as well. If everyone got 2 to 3 items it was less than $15 for the whole family. However, in the long run eating lots of the unhealthy foods and snacks is going to cost you more in healthcare and prescription medications from the consequences of eating an abundance of these foods. â€Å"A family with an obese child spends 30% more in health costs and 77% more in medication costs.†(Parekh, 2012, Prevention is Better than Cure, para 1). Also obesity in childhood often follows into adulthood, which further supports the importance of preventing childhood obesity. (Wang, 2011) Fast food is another big factor for some people. I am not saying you should never eat it at all but some families are eating the stuff three or more times in one week. When I was a kid I was lucky if I got fast food once every six months and that was a treat. McDonald’s seems to have taken the blunt for the fast food industry when it comes to the consequences of eating it too often. They have tried to make some changes like getting rid of the supersize portions and adding apple wedges as an alternative to fries in their kid’s Happy Meal. There even is a documentary that was made about the negative impact McDonalds and the rest of the fast food industry are having on society. The main character, Morgan Spurlock in the movie did a one-month experiment. He ate three full meals a day at McDonald’s, only ordered a super size meal when asked, and never ate food from any other source. By the end of Morgan Spurlock’s month long McDonald’s binge, he had become depressed and exhausted, he was experiencing dramatic mood swings, and his sex life had greatly diminished. He gained 25 pounds, his body fat percentage increased from 11% to 18%, his liver was showing notable signs of damage, and his total cholesterol increased from 168 to 225. However, because of Spurlock’s unrealistic extent of excess calorie consumption, the only thing that this really proves is that overeating is unhealthy. (2009) If eaten on occasion and in moderation as well as eating the right portion size it is not going to harm you and that movie can be misleading. However, it does show what can happen to those who eat it on a daily basis. Parents should limit their child’s meals at fast food restaurants and think of another quick healthy alternative for those other days they may be in a time crunch. Now that I’ve talked about some of the contributing factors of childhood obesity, let’s discuss the effects it has on our children’s health. Children are ending up with health problems such as, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes was previously referred to as â€Å"adult onset†diabetes because it used to be more typical for adults over the age of 40 to get this type. (Schraffenberger, L.A., 2012) Some of these overweight kids are also dealing with being teased by other kids and being called fat. This is leading to more kids being treated for depression. If these kids, some as young as elementary age, are having these kinds of health problems, what does that mean for their health as adults? So what changes have been made to fix this problem of childhood obesity in America? There have been some laws that have gone into effect. One such law has affected me as a childcare provider. The law went into effect in October of 2010 and states that all children over the age of 2 must be served low fat 1 percent milk or fat free skim milk. This law also applies to the schools. The schools have always had minimum calorie guidelines but now there is a maximum calorie guideline the school has to follow as well. This went into effect in July of 2012. Some schools are making changes like taking their soda and snack machines out or having them shut off during lunchtime. Some have even put in new machines with healthier options. Our first lady, Michele Obama has been actively involved in trying to prevent childhood obesity and has even visited some schools that have changed their menus to implement healthier options. Another big advocate in preventing childhood obesity is Rachael Ray. She has started the yum-o organization, which is a non-profit organization. According to the yum-o website, the yum-o organization â€Å"empowers kids and their families to develop healthy relationships with food and cooking.†Wang (2011) explains that the U.S. obesity epidemic can have many serious health and financial consequences if it cannot be controlled, and likely minority and low-income groups are hit harder. Childhood obesity is currently higher than it ever has been and we can do something to prevent it. Parents can help by limiting their child’s screen time, eating more nutritious home cooked meals at the table (not in front of the television) and encouraging their children to be active. For families with busy schedules the parents can take time on the weekends to plan meals ahead of time for the upcoming week. They do not have to be elaborate and can even consist of soup, sandwich fruit and milk. (American Academy of Pediatrics) The schools can limit the â€Å"junk food†they offer in vending machines and the a la carte line or replace it with healthier options and offer more nutritious meals with the appropriate amount of calories. They can also stop cutting their physical education programs, as keeping children active is very important in preventing obesity as well. Families who are struggling financially can buy fruits and veggies that are on sale or in season and make meals that are cheap yet healthy. Also we should have more restrictions on the food industry, such as maybe a warning label for parents on foods that are way too high in sugar, fat, or sodium. If we all work together to make as many of these changes as we can our kids will be much happier and healthier. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Obesity rates among all children in the united states. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/childhood.html Hassink, S. (Ed). (2006). A parent’s guide to childhood obesity. United States: American Academy of Pediatrics Parekh, N., (July 13, 2012). Childhood obesity prevention tips. Prevention is better than cure. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/6-7-2004-55178.asp Ray, R., (2012). Rachael ray’s yum-o cook feed fund. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from http://www.yum-o.org/ Schraffenberger, L.A., (2012). Basic ICD-10-CM/PCS and ICD-9-CM Coding, Chapter 6, Page 123 Sears, W., Sears, M., Sears, J., Sears, R., (2006) The healthiest kid in the neighborhood. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company Wang, Y., (2011). Disparities in pediatric obesity in the united states. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from advances.nutrition.org/content/2/1/23.full.pdf+html
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Atomic Bomb Essay -- essays research papers
On the morning of August 6, 1945, the first Atomic Bomb in history was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Soon after, on August 14, 1945, the Japanese abruptly surrendered, abandoning their ancient customs regarding honor in war. The fact that only two bombs were able to bring an entire country to its knees is a true testament to the awesome power they held. There is nothing in modern warfare that can compete with the devastating effects of nuclear weapons.      At the beginning of World War II, the Japanese were a major threat to the Asian World. On December 7, 1941, when they decided to attack Pearl Harbor (a US naval base in Hawaii), it was evident that their intentions were not limited to Asia. The United States entered World War II as a result of this attack. The war continued for six long years, and involved most of the major World Powers. During this time, there were many battles between the United States and Japan, including one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, which took place at Okinawa. If allowed to expand, Japan posed a serious threat to the allies.      During the war, one of the most brilliant scientists in history, Albert Einstein, hypothesized that if the true power of the atom were released in a weapon, the results would be devastating. This was soon confirmed by a large portion of the scientific community. Whoever possessed such a weapon would be in complete power. Many government officials felt that such a weapon could put an end to the war. For this reason, in 1942, the United States decided to pursue the atomic bomb. Later that year, Franklin D. Roosevelt began the Manhattan Project.      The Manhattan Project was a massive engineering enterprise aimed at the ultimate goal of creating an atomic bomb. At one time it employed over 129,000 workers. The United States was the only nation in the world with the capacity to work on such a high level. Though it cost approximately $2 billion dollars, many officials who knew about the Top Secret project felt it was well worth it- if the Atomic Bomb proved useful. Another major expense of the United States government was the development of the B-29, a bomber plane specifically designed for dropping Atomic Bombs. The estimated cost of this project is ... ...ioned on the ends of long-range rockets, expanding the range of the weapon. Radioactive materials essential to the construction of a Nuclear Weapon are now more readily available to small countries and terrorists. This poses the threat of Nuclear Warfare, which could ultimately end in the extinction of humanity.      Nuclear Weapons cannot be â€Å"uninvented†, so therefore we must learn to live with the possible threat of Nuclear War. The first Atomic Bombs were used to end a war, however that was in the days when the only nation in possession of them was the United States. Today, if a Nuclear War broke out, the defensive nation would most likely return fire, which could result in a global incident. It is unlikely that all of the world’s Nuclear Weapons will ever be destroyed, since the possession of them provides protection from a Nuclear Strike by another country. They are a mediating factor in times of war. Due to human nature, all we can do is hope that they are never used, and that the destruction and bloodshed brought about by the first Atomic Bomb taught us a lesson. It is even possible that this kind of power was never intended for mankind to discover.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Djoser vs Zinggurat
Bih Mancho Proff Vick Art 104 24 September, 2011 Djoser vs. Ziggurat Djoser, the Third Dynasty King gave permission for the earliest known architectural monument in Egypt to be constructed â€Å"The Step Pyramid†. The Architect behind this great structure was someone whom worked very closely with Djoser in governing Saqqara, His Prime Minister, by name Imhotop. Imhotep is the first architect in history to be identified. In the beginning Imhotep intended to make Djosers tomb a one floor mastaba it was only later on that he made the decision to make it bigger.It was the final structure is what was given the name the Step Pyramid. (Stokstad53) This structure was built as a result of elaborate Egyptian funerary practices to make sure that those who died actually moved on into the afterlife safely and effectively (Stokstad53) The Ziggurat on the other hand was constructed under the rule of King Urnammu of Ur. During his reign the king Urnammu funded a good number of building campai gns. As a result of his sponsorship the well-known Ziggurat was constructed with a concept of imperial authority (pg36).Both structures were quite vast in size and seem to have covered a large area of land. The Ziggurate was constructed with mud brick while that of the Pyramid was constructed with limestone. The Ziggurat had a rectangular base of 205 by 141 feet with 3 sets of stairs which all came together at the entrance gate (Stokstad36). The Pyramid on the other hand is a 92 foot shaft that descended from the original mustaba. Enclosed within the pyramid a descending corridor at the base of the step pyramid provided an entrance from outside to the burial ground (Stokstad53).In my opinion the Nanna Ziggurat is more appeling to the eye than the structure of the Step Pyramid. The Ziggurate was constructed as a dedication to the moon god Nanna, also called Sin (pg36). The Pyramid was equally created with respect to a certain god but it served two purposes. The Step Pyramid signified a stairway to the Sun god Ra but it also served another purpose. It protected the tomb in which the kings mummified body was buried. (Stokstad53). It provided a comfortable home for the Ka of the departed king. So that even after death he would be able to watch over Egypt and make sure the country remained in he good state in which they left it. In my opinion the Step Pyramid has more of a meaningful background story to it than the Ziggurat. It is much more than just a large magnificent monument created to worship a god unlike the Ziggurat, the Pyramid served a purpose on earth as well as in the heavens. I believe if so much time and hard work is put into developing such a marvelous structure at least it should serve some purpose to the people of the land on which it was built not just to praise a god or to signify authority but to preserve the culture and history of the people.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Wegener and the Theory of Continental Drift
Prepared for Dr. Heather Hauser Shorter University EASC 2060 The Natural World Submitted by Lillie Momon December 6, 2011 Running head: Wegener and the Theory of Continental Drift Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) was a German scientist in the fields of meteorology, astronomy, and geology. He was one of the first scientists to theorize about the continental drift or continents in motion, which supports the belief that the Earth's continents once were a single land mass. Wegener called this land mass, â€Å"Pangaea†, because the continents began to break up, and various parts drifted away from one another. According to Wegener, â€Å"the eastern shoreline of Africa and the western shoreline of South America fit together like a piece of jigsaw puzzle, and when you align the continents at their continental shelves, their fit is even better†[ (Wegener, 2007) ]. When scientist and geologist began to traveler around the world, it was even more evident that Wegener’s theory of continental drift could be possible, because scientist had once thought that the continents had started off in their places, where they now lie. However, Wegener’s theory began to change the way people looked at the world. Based on the theory of continental drift, Wegener began to gather evidence from around the world from landforms, fossils, and climate and put it in a book titled â€Å"The Origin of Continents and Oceans,†which was published in 1915. Wegener’s theory was rejected because he could not provide evidence on the force that moved the continents. Base upon the reading of, Conceptual Integrated Science, Harry Hess and Robert Dietz, both scientists came up with a hypothesis that linked, Wegener’s theory of continental drift, to seafloor spreading. The seafloor is repeatedly changing; as new lithosphere forms in mid ocean the older lithosphere is pushed from the ridge into a deep ocean trench, which causes the continents to shift†[ (Weil, 1997) ]. According to Dr. Heather Hauser, a professor at Shorter University, in the late nineteen fifties, geologists found new evidence of continental drift, such as two rocks matching exactly. Both rocks were the same age, and h ad the same exact genetic structure. These two landforms were discovered in 1958. The location of these rocks, were western South America and south eastern Africa. This discovery helps prove that continental drift has actually occurred, because it is nearly impossible for two rocks of the same kind to turn up on two separate continents [ (Hauser, 2011) ]. Then in 1912, Wegener also found a tropical plant on the island of Spitsbergen. This island lies north of Norway in the Atlantic Ocean. Today Spitsbergen is covered in ice and has polar climate. This is important because today no tropical plant can grow in Spitsbergen, because its temperature is too cold. Wegener indicated that, Spitsbergen was once closer to the equator. He thought that this was the only possible solution for the unusual discovery. At the same time when Spitsbergen was warm and tropical, Africa’s temperature was freezing, but today Africa is known for its hot and tropical climate. Some geologists have concluded that the temperature was once freezing by discovering rocks that are covered in deep scratches. These scratches were caused by continental glaciers. Today, Africa’s weather is too mild for any type of glacier to form. Wegener concluded that when Pangaea existed, it was closer to the South Pole. Based on science research, when any continent moves to either pole, their temperature begins to drop. Based upon, all of the evidence from the landforms, fossils and climate, leads one to believe that continental drift did occurred [ (Wagner, 2008) ]. Scientist also discovered particular fresh water reptile fossils that have been found in Africa and South America. These two continents were separated by the Atlantic Ocean, making it extremely difficult for the same fossil to be found on to different continent. Which makes Wegener’s theory more plausible? Scientist later discovered a fernlike plant, which had existed about two hundred and fifty years ago. Wegener used this plant to prove his theory of continental drift could have occurred, because this plant was found in many locations [ (Wagner, 2008) ]. Also based upon, the evidence from the landforms, fossils and climate, leads scientist and geologist alike to believe that continental drift, actually did occur. We also have our reading material from, Conceptual Integrated Science and a short documentary film on the earth crust that was showed in our Science class, the Natural World, which ook placed at Shorter University, supervised by, Dr. Heather Hauser, which implies that the plate tectonics are the main forces behind the changes that happen here on Earth. If we were to use some of the evident of plate tectionic,using the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate to illustrate just a few of the fascinating features that are created along these boundaries. A ccording to the evident reviewed, the earth’s crust is not a solid mass. It is shaped more like a jigsaw puzzle that is made up of continental plates that shift around on top of the mantle. This movement takes place very slowly and large scale movement can only be measured in millions of years according to Dr. Hauser [ (Hauser, 2011) ]. Wegener’s theory is largely based on a combination of two main ideas: Continental Drift and Sea flooring. Each piece of the puzzle slides and grinds past, under, over, or away from the other pieces around it. The boundary where the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate meet is called, a convergent boundary. This is where one plate (The Pacific Plate) moves into and then underneath the other one (North America). This creates a whole lot of grinding, folding, pushing, and otherwise violent forces [ (Hewitt, 2007) ]. So therefore, based upon the evidence which have been provide in reference to the landforms, fossils, climate, seafloor spreading, and plate tectonic compels one to believe, that Alfred Wegener, theory of the continental drift really did occurred and that continental drift will continue for millions and millions or years, long after humans are gone. Hauser, D. H. (2011, November 29). The Natural World. (L. Momon, Interviewer) Hewitt, P. G. (2007). Conceptual Integrated Science. San Francisco: Pearson. Wagner, I. 2008, Aug 11). The Great Continental Drift Mystery. Retrieved November 28, 2011, from Yale Educational Curriculum: http://www. yale. edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1991/6/91. 06. 05. x. html Watson, J. (1999, Oct 11). Dynamic Contienents. Retrieved November 26, 2011, from http://pubs. usgs. gov/gip/dynamic/continents. html Wegener, A. (2007). Continental Drift-An Idea Before I ts Time. In P. G. hewitt, Conceptual Integrated Science (pp. 511-517). San Francisco: Pearson. Weil, A. (1997, Mar 6). The Rocky History of an Idea. Retrieved November 26, 2011, from Plate Tectonics: http://www. ucmp. berkeley. edu/geology/techist. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Average National SAT Scores for 2015
Average National SAT Scores for 2015 SAT Score Frequently Asked Questions  In 2015, you registered for the SAT and took it along with 1,698,521 of your closest high school friends, which is a pretty sizable feat considering your complete aversion to all things standardized tests, right? And now, youre sitting there with your SAT score report in hand, wondering how all of those other college applicants fared on this test. Am I right? If youre anything like students before you, and maybe even those students who come after you, youre going to want to know how your SAT score compares to other SAT scores. Below, youll read several fun facts about the average national SAT scores for 2015 according to gender, ethnicity, and even household income. If youre interested in knowing the average SAT scores for students entering the top public schools in the country and those for the top private schools, then check out the links. Otherwise, keep reading. Overall SAT Scores for 2015 Heres where we talk mean. And Im not talking about being a jerk. Im referring to the mathematical mean, which is the average of a set of numbers. In this case, the mean is the average SAT score of every student who took the test from the fall of 2014 through June of 2015. Here are the mean scores for all testers by section: Overall: 1497Critical Reading: 495Mathematics: 511Writing: 484 SAT Scores By Gender It isnt often fun to find out that people of your gender are performing worse than people of another gender, but here you have it in black and white. Males, youre leading in Critical Reading and Math. Females, youre ahead in Writing. Next year, these numbers will be dramatically different, considering the Redesigned SAT has an entirely different scoring system. Critical Reading:Males: 497Females: 493Mathematics:Males: 527Females: 496Writing:Males: 478Females: 490 SAT Scores By Reported Annual Income I hate to say it, but it appears as though the kids with the wealthiest parents are the smartest kids in the universe. Just kidding, just kidding. Lets screw on our thinking caps and consider what these numbers imply. Perhaps kids with wealthier parents are just graced with above-average test-taking skills, OR, these statistics could mean that kids with a little bit more cash have parents who are more willing to purchase SAT prep or shell out the moolah for retakes. I dont know. We could conjecture all day on this subject, but the stats do not lie; parents making more money produce kids with higher SAT scores. Look: $0 - $20,000Critical Reading: 433Math: 455Writing: 426$20,000 - $40,000Critical Reading: 466Math: 479Writing:454$40,000 - $60,000Critical Reading: 488Math: 497Writing: 473$60,000 - $80,000Critical Reading: 503Math: 510Writing: 487$80,000 - $100,000Critical Reading: 517Math: 526Writing: 501$100,000 - $120,000Critical Reading: 528Math: 539Writing: 514$120,000 - $140,000Critical Reading: 531Math: 542Writing: 518$140,000 - $160,000Critical Reading: 539Math: 551Writing: 526$160,000 - $200,000Critical Reading: 545Math: 557Writing: 534$200,000 and moreCritical Reading: 570Math: 587Writing: 563 SAT Scores By Ethnicity Although there is definitely no causal relationship between ethnicity and SAT scores, it can be interesting to take a peek at the differences among us when it comes to test-taking. Here are the mean overall scores by ethnicity. American Indian or Alaska Native: 1423Asian, Asian-American or Pacific Islander: 1654Black of African-American: 1277Mexican or Mexican-American: 1343Puerto Rican: 1357Latin-American, Central-American, South-American or Other Latino: 1345White: 1576Other: 1496 2015 SAT Scores Summary So, it would appear that if really interested in getting a fantastic SAT score, you should sign up to be in a family that brings in more than $200,000 per year, ensure that youre male, and become (or remain) Asian. If that doesnt work, theres always free SAT practice quizzes, free SAT apps, and the best SAT books out there. SAT Scores for 2012SAT Scores for 2013SAT Scores for 2014
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Changing SAT II Subject Tests on Test Day Can It Be Done
Changing SAT II Subject Tests on Test Day Can It Be Done SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You registered for the SAT II Math IIC and Chemistry test. Last minute you catch wind that your preferred college wants Writing instead of Chemistry, and also Physics! Can you change your SAT II subject tests? Add or subtract tests? How about doing it the day of? Find your answers here! The Simple Answer The simple answer is that YES - you can change your SAT II subject tests on the day of. You are allowed to add, subtract, and change subjects. For example: you are allowed to make the following moves ON test day: Change Type Is it allowed? From Example To Example Addition YES Math IIC Math IIC AND Physics Subtraction YES World History, American History World History only Switch YES Literature, Writing, Physics Literature, Writing, Chemistry That's great news for you! However, there are a couple of caveats you should be aware of. Some Important Caveats Costs Adders and subtractors: If you're adding a test, you will be billed the additional amount (didn't think the College Board leave a loophole for free testing, did you?) . If you're subtracting a test, you may not get your testing fee back for the test you're subtracting. But reality is, if you've spent hours prepping for the test, the cost is often not the most important issue. Not Guaranteed Adders and switchers: if they don't have the materials for your new tests, you may not be able to add it! Most tests are in the same big booklet, so most of the time you don't need to worry. However, note here that the College Board is technically reserving the right, if it so chooses for resource reasons, to deny the switch. This means that it is NOT wise to depend 100% on a last-minute add or switch. If you're planning way beforehand, it is much safer on the SAT II to subtract than to add. This leads to a principle: If you're unsure of whether you'll take a test, register for it anyway. It is better to over-register than under-register on the SAT! This goes doubly if cost is not an issue. No Language with Listening! Adders and switchers:you cannot add Language with Listening. Ostensibly, this is because that test requires audio equipment that they need to assign beforehand. So if you're not sure if you're taking SAT II Chinese, just register for it anyway and you can drop (with cost), because you sure can't add it last minute. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dr. Fred Zhang About the Author Fred is co-founder of PrepScholar. He scored a perfect score on the SAT and is passionate about sharing information with aspiring students. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019
Introduction To Luke Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction To Luke - Term Paper Example To begin with, it must be noted that there is no clear indication that the above mentioned text was written by Luke. It is the tradition of Church that attributes the Gospel to this apostle. However, there are several indications which contribute to acknowledgement of his authorship: Luke was a highly educated person for his time, had a personal acquaintance with the Biblical characters, respected people who belonged to a lower class and was wealthy enough to devote time to create a Gospel (Bock, 1994, 138). Similar to the authorship, there is not a direct indication of date. Just like many of the ancient texts, the originals were lost and the researchers are able to work with the copies which were created afterwards. According to one approach, the Gospel of Luke should be dated 80 or 90 Common Era; however, some researchers tend to move the creation of the text a decade further. In addition that that, some scholars point out that mentioning of various contemporary events, such as conflict in the manuscript families or heresy of Marcion, provides enough basis to move the time of the creation of the scripture even further. The question of sources is another interesting one when it comes to evaluation of the Gospel in question. The main basis for the narration is the Gospel of Mark which was written roughly a decade before. However, since this text featured more factual information, Luke uses the so called Q source in order to present the complexity of the teachings of Jesus. Finally, there a part of the Gospel, around one third, that is unique to Luke. The structure of the Gospel in question is traditionally divided into six sections. The first part is the formal introduction, containing address to Theophilus. The next section is the description of birth of Jesus and his boyhood. Afterwards there is a part which tells the readers about baptism of Jesus and his fight against the
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