Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Understanding Personality Disorders Essay - 2164 Words
Description The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013) defines personality disorders as a pattern of internal experience and behavior that greatly differs from what is normally expected in the person’s culture. They are also considered omnipresent and inflexible that is stable and causes both distress and impairment. Antisocial personality disorder is a severe disorder of personality. It is a disorder that helps compromise the dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders, also known as the Cluster B disorders. The Cluster B disorders are also composed of borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder. The†¦show more content†¦From information contained in the patient’s social services, medical, and legal records, the clinician is able to piece together Mr. Y’s history. Mr. Y’s mother was a prostitute and a drug addict, and he never knew his father. He had a history of very serious conduct problems from a young age. He began getting into fights with other children almost from the day he began school and was caught torturing animals on a number of occasions when he was in elementary school. When he was 9 years old, Mr. Y threw his baby brother out of the window of their first floor apartment, causing multiple fractures. During his childhood, Mr. Y spent several years in a group home and stayed many in many foster homes, but these placements were never successful. He would occasionally stay with his maternal grandmother, who was taking care of up to eight other grandchildren at the same time. Mr. Y began using drugs at age 10. In early adolescence, Mr. Y joined a gang where he became involved in selling drugs and running numbers. He fathered his first child at the age of 13. Before he was 17, he was arrested on a variety of charges tha t included theft, possession of illegal drugs, and assault, but, because of his age, he received a series of suspended sentences. He was constantly truant from school and dropped out permanently at age 15. At the time, he began living on the street with other friends from his gang whoShow MoreRelatedNarcissistic Personality Disorder : Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, And Treatment1178 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: UNDERSTANDING NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER ETIOLOGY Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Griffin Hedger College Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder To those who have a narcissistic personality disorder, they may come across as arrogant,Read MoreBorderline Personality Disorder - Understanding It, History, Treatment, Closing - Includes Outline and Bibliography2680 Words  | 11 PagesOUTLINE I.Understanding Borderline Personality A.Common Stereotypes B.Characteristics Symptoms 1.Fear of Abandonment 2.Impulsivity Self-Damaging Behavior 3.Difficulty Controlling Anger 4.Brief Psychotic Episodes C.Prevalence in Society 1.Celebrity Film Example II.History of Classification A.Personality Organization B.Atypical Form of Other Personality Disorders C.Independent Disorder III.Causal Contributory Factors A.Psychoanalytic 1.Object-Relations Theory 2.DevelopmentalRead MoreThe Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder1266 Words  | 6 Pagesapproaches in an effort to comprehend personality. 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